How To Pronounce shCREDO
To prevent lisping unnecessarily, let me just say that to pronounce shCREDO, you just say the first 2 letters (“S”, “H”) and then the word “Credo”. I say this because many people, even those near and dear to me, have tried to shhhhhcreee-doh at me with as much futile solemnity as possible. While in fact, the pronunciation is all quite simple.
In the same way, the underlying life force behind shCREDO is as simple.
The S-H stands for soul healer and/or soul healing. And of course, “credo” stands for a set of beliefs.
I have had the domain since Sep 1998 but it took me a long time before I told even one single person what the “SH” stood for. In my mind, “SH” originally stood for “soul healer” – which made me worry that others would think it presumptuous of me to think of myself as a “soul healer”. After all, my life was oftentimes, in shambles.
But that is what I truly believed; what I still believe. However the price of that inner fear was a site that was left to languish without clarity and purpose for long periods of time. And I shrunk back into other things more tangible, less rewarding. Now I am ready to move forward … and I hope you will join me on this journey.
So do I believe I am a Soul Healer?
Yes. As I believe you are. We all are – though most of the time, that is not in conscious awareness.
The first time you become consciously aware of this possibility – you will most likely ask yourself if this could be true. And in asking, if you come to the conclusion that it is, then the possibility becomes a belief. The belief that each of us have the amazing grace within to heal others (and ourselves) will invariably affect what you think, how you think, what you do about it, and how you respond in a whole range of indescribable ways.
About shCREDO
The beliefs that we hold – the choices that we have about the beliefs we hold – and the amazing power they hold in our lives, for good and otherwise, and how they can enrich or povertize our life journey, that is the main running theme that powers this shCREDO site.
I have this theory: that sometimes the people (or souls) we touch, the ones we heal are people we never even see in this lifetime and may not even exist in our lifetime. Yet the things we set in motion, can heal someone. (That’s another belief there!)
And I believe that whether we do good or not, has a lot to do with our intentions.
Anyway, to make a long story short (for now), that is why this site is here. It is my hope and belief that some of the information here will somehow, somewhere, at some time, help someone. I may not ever even know about it .. but I believe that if I have the right intent for why I spend my time doing this, then if the message is right for someone at their right time, then they will find the message they need. And my only ‘responsibility’ is to make this available.
So if you are reading this or any part of this site, I wish, with all of my heart, that you will find something that will ease your journey and bring you healing and joy. And through you, the same to all whoever you come in contact with.
~ Namaste ~
“The Spirit within me bows to the Spirit within you.”
