Dwarf Bean
Addendum 28 Sept 2019: Will now be planting both Dwarf Beans (Tendergreen & Butter Bean)
“Easy to grow on most cultivated soils”
Dwarf Bean Growing Guide
Sow (when, temp, soil, location)
- sow all year round (in warm northern areas, Au)
- feed soil shortly before sowing (if poss)
- sow in damp soil; 1 inch deep
- sow 3-4 inches apart; rows 20″ apart
- sunny; not windy
- soil well-drained
- germinate: 7-10 days
- protect from wind & frost
- weed regularly
- water well in dry seasons
- plenty of water to roots from Flowering to Harvest
- spray flowers with fine mist (help pods to set)
- no support needed
- feeding rarely required
- pick young beans regularly for plants to continue to crop
beetroot, lovage, marigold, petunia, potatoes, pumpkin, silver beet, strawberry,
alliums (onions), peppers, tomatoes
Other Notes
- spray flowers with water to help pods set
Our Dwarf Bean Progress
Dec 2017
Starting with instructions on the back of packet (Mr Fothergill’s).
That’s all I recorded. But we did get a very good, daily harvest.
28 Sept 2019
Today, planting both the yellow (butter) and green (tendergreen) Dwarf Beans.
- Planted daikons yesterday, way to left. Hope to have some strawberries between that and beans
- Beans (Dwarf) Growing Guide (growveg.com.au)
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