Egg Plant Black Beauty (Solanum melongena) – summer veg. Heavy cropping variety bearing large purple pear-shaped fruits. Can be considered quite high maintenance plant —
Cabbage, Chinese – Wong Bok
Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) – wong bok, wombok —
Radish, Oriental – Daikon
Oriental Radish (Rhaphanus) – Daikon (winter radish, Chinese radish, lobok): Root crop. Easy to grow. Fast growing. Wonderful plant: nourishes (predominantly with nitrogen) your soil while loosening up hard soil; whole plant is edible!!! The leaves can be used to make pesto. (I still have to try that) The radish pods are edible: stir fry, […]
Broccoli Green Sprouting (Brassica olelracea var. italica): “Ideal for the smaller garden, produces succulent medium-green spears. Very reliable, succeeding in all well-prepared soils.” (packet description) —
Celery – Crisp & Tender (self-blanching)
Celery Crips & Tender (Apium graveolens) : “A self-blanching type with deliciou9s flavour. The sticks are crisp and compact, requiring little attention.” (packet description; my emphasis)
Sage is great for culinary purposes and also as an attractive plant for herb and (blue) flower. Perennial plant.
Spinach (Spinach Oleracea) – rich in vitamins & antioxidants.
Chilli Devil’s Brew
Chilli Devil’s Brew (Capsicum annuum) – supposed to be “scorching hot”. I wait in hope. They are bushy, prolific plants. Will produce a mix of red, orange, yellow chillies. Long, slender, very hot.
Pak Choi, Bok Choi, Bak Choy
Fast growing alternative to spinach and silverbeet. Great for Asian recipes.
Flower – Astilbe Chinensis Brilliance
Herbaceous perennial. Produces fluffy pink flowerspikes. Ideal for cut flowers. Low maintenance. Good as a bordering plant or to line side of a fence. Seeds from Australian Plants Online.