Much against my desire, we now have a new dog in our lives. So I have been making dog treats – much is needed for training. And coz they are so expensive, especially given the amounts I require in puppy training.

I notice that it is quite easy to mix and match, add other suitable ingredients etc. so these are very flexible recipes.
- Can use anything that doggie can eat, puree them. Can store puree in fridge till ready to mix for next batch. Mix with flour and water till sticky consistency.
- Roll out as thinly as possible. Sandwich dough between 2 pieces of wax paper/ baking sheets for easier rolling out of sticky dough with rolling pin.
- ingredients Suggestions for Puree:
- Soaked chia
- Banana
- carrots
- pumpkin
- apple
- additionals to add to dough before baking:
- cheese(chopped/grated
- egg
- coconut oil/ghee/olive oil (just 1-2T)
- Tuna/sardine (canned in spring water)
- Mix ingredients in mixing bowl. (Or mix puree with AP flour till you have the right consistency)
- rollout as flat as possible. (See Tips above.) Lay on baking sheets (I make at least 4 flat trays)
- cut to small pieces
- put trays into cold oven.
- Cold OVEN (no pre-heating): set to 170C / 15 mins
- Lower temp to 140C /40- 45 mins
- Out of oven. Cool. Store. Train/Treat that pup!!!