Fenugreek aka methi. Fenugreek is a legume.
Fenugreek Growing Guide
Quick growing. Fresh green leaves used as leafy vegetables (similar to spinach). Dried leaves as herb. Seeds as spice.
Mature fenugreek plants, around when flowering begins, will fix atmospheric nitirogen in the soil and so will be a good companion for nitrogen-loving vegs (corn, cucumers, brassicas).
Sow (when, temp, soil, location)
- soil: average; well drained – in pots or direct in ground
- position: full sun to partial afternoon shade
- frost tolerant: no
- sow when: late summer to autumn
- has shallow roots – shallow pots work
- Germinate:
- Harvest Leaves: 20-30 days. Leave the twigs which will grow again in 15 days
- Harvest Seeds: 2-4 months
- moist soil – do not over water or have waterlogged soil
buckwheat, beans, cowpeas, cilantro
Fenugreek not good for aliums.
rarely has problems with pests
Other Notes
- hates to be transplanted!!!
- on warm days, fenugreek emits fragrance similar to maple syrup!
Our Fenugreek Progress
- Jan 2020 – sowed in toilet rolls
- balconygardenweb.com: How to Grow Fenugreek
- gardenknowhow.com: What is Fenugreek
- growveg.com.au: Fenugreek Growing Guide
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