Malaysian Hot Hae Bee Hiam. This may not be fully authentic but I tried it, and I like it a lot.
- sugar
- oil
(A) Chilli Paste – Shrimp
- dried shrimps 50g/ 3/4C
Soak 20mins. Drain but keep liquid.
Roughly chop/blend. Set aside.
(B) Chilli Paste – Aromatics
- shallots 20g
- garlic 30g / 7 cloves
- ginger 20g /2″
- oil < 1/4 C
Blend in food processor – till paste. Set aside.
(C) Chilli Paste – Chillies & Belachan
- Dried chilli, rehydrated 25g
- fresh chilli 150g
- lemon grass 4stalks
- toasted belachan 20g
- shrimp H2O (from bef) 1C
Blend in food processor – blend finely. Set aside.
- 1/4C oil, med heat
- fry B till fragrant / 5-8mins
- add C & A. Fry till dk and dry. / 20-30 mins. Dec heat as appro.
- add 1T sugar/to taste
- opt. add 1/2tsp fish sauce/dashi
- opt. 1tsp lime

- YouTube: Spice and Pans – Chilli w/ Dried Shrimp Recipe (modified from;)
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