Please note, this is just my ad hoc way of making tofu to produce medium and Hard tofu in one process.
- Soy beans 1C – Soak o/night or 8-10hrs. Clean and drain.
- 4C water (add to drained beans in blender)
- 1tsp (packed) gypsum, for Medium hard tofu
- 3T Lemon juice (bottled), for hard tofu
Coagulants (options)
- Gypsum (calcium sulphate) – (packed) 1/4tsp to 1C of milk. Stir thoroughly with a bit of milk. With gypsum, coagulation is only activated with heat.
- Vinegar/ Lemon Juice – 1tsp to 1C of milk. Just add milk to lemon juice. Coagulation prices starts quickly.
- Nigari (magnesium chloride)
- Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate)
High speed blend. 35sec Blended Strain into pot for cooking Strained. And leftover okara (for use in other things. Opt.) Med Low Heat 10mins. Stir constantly! After 10mins, prepare gypsum in some water. Briefly and gently stir in gypsum liq. Leave coveredfor 10mins. Shoukd see some coagulation Calico over seive over 2nd pot. Strain the coagulating tofu. This will be the Med Hard and smoothtexture tofu. Continue draining and setting over bowls, using some medium weight and for 1/2 to 1 hour. (The longer, theharder the tofu) This is drained liquid in 2nd pot; from making gypsum tofu. (About 3C. Measure if unsure) Heat up to75-80C. Heat off. Add in 3T lemon juice (for 3C of soy milk). Will see coagulationvery quickly. Let rest at least 10mins Prepare calico, seive, bowl while tofu is cooling and coagulating in pot. Drain, allow it to drain as much water as you can 20-30mins. Wrap in calico, outer wrap in absorbent towel, pressed in grilling cage. End result: Hard tofu. I generally store thisin freezer to produce inner texture.
Ref: modified from
- Cooking with Dog: Extra Smooth Silken Tofu
- YouTube/Fine Art of Cooking: silken tofu
- Mary’s Test Kitchen – How to make silken Tofu
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