This is truly unrelated to anything. It is just for my own personal record. Boring as farts at the moment, but years from now, I am sure my partner and I will want to look back at these pictures.
Things move at seemingly blinding speed these last few years. We are in the throes of packing up to move from Francis St, Leichhardt. It is a period of deep uncertainty. Will our house sell? Will we have enough to buy the house we want? Will our monies last till we are re-settled again? Will we be happy where we are going to?
Those are but some of the larger questions in a whole boiling pot of unanswered questions as we are forced to move from where we thought would be our home for many many more years. So now is a time when I wish time would speed along rather than drag heavily in uncertainty and endless chores.
However I know that one day, in looking back, things from this period will seem like a haze that was gone in a flash.
Hence I am recording, for personal history only, some of the cleaning and packing etc that is happening now.
I have had my fill of packing boxes. Most of the packed boxes are shown here, stacked in the living room. In total, there are over 100 boxes that I had to pack.
- Over 100 Packed Boxes
- Packed Boxes
I confess that many of these boxes came from my hoarded stuff from the loft. I actually feel a bit ill looking at all the stuff I had and had to pack up. I won’t think about the unpacking. No. Not thinking. Not thinking. Not thinking …
Front Stairs – Entrance
Pete and I had a go at re-staining the front stairs. Much of the stain was left on the metal strips. I fine-sand papered the strips to bring back the steel color. Below is the before and after shots.
- Before
- After
- Before
- After
More Endless Cleaning
Front Key Pad
Letter Box (there is only so much one can do)
Upstairs Bathroom – Glass Shower Surround
Upstairs Bathroom – Mirror
Urgh. It is amazing how very tiring cleaning glass and mirror can be. There were also the windows (not shown here). And after all that, that was just only ONE bathroom! .. with a whole house of glass yet to do. Ew.
That’s it for today. I will add more pics as I plow through them.
Familiar Burglar
While our new front hallway was drying (after varnish), we had no way to exit or re-enter our home.
During this period, I caught a “familiar burglar” entering via our side alley.
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