Cooking brown rice is very like cooking pasta (draining method) … [Continue reading]
Believing Is Creating
Cooking brown rice is very like cooking pasta (draining method) … [Continue reading]
Chicken Patiala - a Punjabi dish, my first, was amazingly rich, with a depth of deliciousness that is hard to describe. It is however a rather complex dish to prepare and the sequencing is also not straight forward. … [Continue reading]
Cabbage - Brassica oleracea var. capitata Cabbage family includes Brocolli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collards, Kale, Kohirabi, Rutabaga, Turnip) … [Continue reading]
I didn't know what Limoncello was till today. I have a bunch of (gifted) lemons and was looking for a way to use them. Then I came across limoncello and it sounds like it will be delish. So here goes! … [Continue reading]
Braised Chinese Ginger Chicken - there is nothing so comforting and homely for me. It reminds me of grandma and mom (though they weren't exactly best friends, I hope they are now). It also reminds of recuperation and getting healthy; of being safe … [Continue reading]
This is one of the simplest homemade custard I have come across. It might not be the most sophisticated custard, but I do think it is the easiest to make. … [Continue reading]
Sourdough crackers is amazingly moorish! Yum! These crackers are also a good way to use up sourdough discards (whenever you have some). And versatile, depending on the topping you use. … [Continue reading]
It worked! I can hardly believe it. And I made it in Fillip (air fryer)! … [Continue reading]
ACV Tumeric Juice Concentrate is only a brief reminder to: make it regularly what goes in, generally This is a very simple health juice. … [Continue reading]
This must be the most basic, quickie Szechuan sauce. But I have tested this and it tastes good! And handy to have in the fridge. Perfect for stir-fries or as a dipping sauce. … [Continue reading]